Πλήρεις Δημοσιεύσεις στο Εξωτερικό
Κεφάλαια σε Συγγράμματα
- MCINNES GT, STERGIOU GS. Clinical pharmacology of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. In: Cleland JGF, ed: Clinicians guide to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition. London, Churchill Livingstone, 1993, 23-36.
- MCINNES GT, STERGIOU GS. Guidelines for treating hypertension: Europe and Australia. In Textbook of Hypertension. Edited by Swales JD. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, 1994, 1210-1217.
- PARATI G, BILO G, REVERA M, STERGIOU GS, on behalf of the ESH Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. Home blood pressure monitoring: Schematic Summary of 2008 European Society of Hypertension Recommendations for practicing physicians. Motus Mior, Milan, Italy, 2009.
- STERGIOU GS, BAKRIS GL. Pharmacological Treatment in Hypertension. In Crawford, DiMarco & Paulus's Cardiology Textbook, 3rd Edition 2010. Mosby Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-7234-3485-6.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E. Dual blockade of the renin-angiotensin system: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and renin inhibitors. In: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors. Nova Science Publishers 2009, pp 129-146.
- STERGIOU GS, NTINERI E. Home self monitoring in clinical trials. Clinical Hypertension and Vascular Diseases. Editor: WB White. 2015 in press.
Εκθέσεις Επιτροπών Ειδικών (Guidelines, Consensus)
- HERPIN D, PICKERING TG, STERGIOU GS, DE LEEUW P, GERMANO G. Self-blood pressure monitoring: Clinical applications and diagnosis. Blood Press Monit 2000;5:131-5.
- O'BRIEN E, PICKERING T, ASMAR R, MYERS M, PARATI G, STAESSEN J, MENGDEN T, IMAI Y, WAEBER B, PALATINI P, GERIN W; Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring of the European Society of Hypertension.Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring (ASMAR R, BEILIN L, CLEMENT D, DE LEEUW P, FAGARD R, IMAI Y, MALLION JM, MANCIA G, MENGDEN T, MYERS M, O’BRIEN E, PADFIELD P, PARATI G, PALATINI P, PICKERING T, REDON J, STAESSEN J, STERGIOU G, VAN MONTFRANS G, VERDECCHIA P, WAEBER B, WHITE W). European Society of Hypertension International Protocol for validation of blood pressure measuring devices in adults. Blood Press Monit 2002;7:3-17.
- VERDECCHIA P, O’BRIEN E, PICKERING T, STAESSEN J, PARATI G, MYERS M, PALATINI P, on behalf of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring (ASMAR R, BEILIN L, CLEMENT D, DE LEEUW P, FAGARD R, IMAI Y, MALLION JM, MANCIA G, MENGDEN T, MYERS M, O’BRIEN E, PADFIELD P, PARATI G, PALATINI P, PICKERING T, REDON J, STAESSEN J, STERGIOU G, VAN MONTFRANS G, VERDECCHIA P, WAEBER B, WHITE W). When can the practicing physician suspect white coat hypertension? Statement from the Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring of the European Society of Hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2003;16:87-91.
- STERGIOU G, MENGDEN T, PADFIELD P, PARATI G, O’BRIEN E, on behalf of European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. Self-blood pressure monitoring at home is an important adjunct to clinic measurements in patients with hypertension. Br Med J 2004;329;870-1.
- O’BRIEN E, ASMAR R, BEILIN L, IMAI Y, MANCIA G, MENGDEN T, MYERS M, PADFIELD P, PARATI G, PICKERING T, STAESSEN J, STERGIOU G, AND VERDECCHIA P ON BEHALF OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF HYPERTENSION WORKING GROUP ON BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING. Practice Guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension for Conventional, Ambulatory and Home Blood Pressure Measurement. J Hypertens 2005:23:697-701.
- RUILOPE L, KJELDSEN S, DE LA SIERRA A, MANCIA G, RUGGENENTI P, STERGIOU G, BAKRIS G, GILES T. A Consensus Statement from the European Society of Hypertension: The kidney and cardiovascular risk: Implications for management. Blood Press 2007;16:72-9.
- PARATI G, STERGIOU G, ASMAR R, BILO G, DE LEEUW P, IMAI Y, KARIO K, LURBE E, MANOLIS A, MENGDEN T, O’BRIEN E, OHKUBO T, PADFIELD P, PALATINI P, PICKERING T, REDON J, REVERA1M, RUILOPE L, SHENNAN A, STAESSEN J, TISLER A, WAEBER B, ZANCHETTI A, MANCIA G. European Society of Hypertension Guidelines for Blood Pressure Monitoring at Home. A Summary Report of the Second International Consensus Conference on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens 2008;26:1505-30.
- LURBE E, R CIFKOVA, CRUICKSHANK K, DILLON M, FERREIRA I, INVITTI C, KUZNETSOVA T, LAURENT S, MANCIA G, MORALES-OLIVAS F, RASCHER W, J REDON, SCHAEFER F, T SEEMAN, STERGIOU G, WÜHL E, ZANCHETTI A. Management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents: recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens 2009;27:1719-42.
- DE JONG W, HARTEMANN P, THOMSEN M, IBSEN H, MARKANDU N, MIEKE S, PARATI G, SHENNAN A, STERGIOU G. Mercury Sphygmomanometers in Healthcare and the Feasibility of Alternatives. European Commission, Directorate General for 'Health and Consumers'. Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). Οctober 2009. http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_risk/committees/04_scenihr/scenihr_opinions_en.htm#2.
- O'BRIEN E, ATKINS N, STERGIOU G, KARPETTAS N, PARATI G, ASMAR R, IMAI Y, WANG J, MENGDEN T, SHENNAN A; Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring of the European Society of Hypertension. European Society of Hypertension International Protocol revision 2010 for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices in adults. Blood Press Monit 2010;15:23-38.
- PARATI G, STERGIOU G, ASMAR R, BILO G, DE LEEUW P, IMAI Y, KARIO K, LURBE E, MANOLIS A, MENGDEN T, O’BRIEN E, OHKUBO T, PADFIELD P, PALATINI P, PICKERING T, REDON J, REVERA1M, RUILOPE L, SHENNAN A, STAESSEN J, TISLER A, WAEBER B, ZANCHETTI A, MANCIA G. European Society of Hypertension practice guidelines for home blood pressure monitoring. J Hum Hypertens 2010;24:779-85.
- BAKRIS G, VASSALOTTI J, RITZ E, WANNER C, STERGIOU G, MOLITCH M, NESTO R, KAYSEN GA, SOWERS JR. National Kidney Foundation consensus conference on cardiovascular and kidney diseases and diabetes risk: an integrated therapeutic approach to reduce events. Kidney Int 2010;78:726-36
- STERGIOU GS, MYERS MG, REID JL, BURNIER M, NARKIEWICZ K, VIIGIMAA M, MANCIA G. European Society of Hypertension Statement. Setting-up a Blood Pressure and Vascular Protection Clinic: Requirements of the European Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens 2010;28:1780-1.
- LURBE E, CIFKOVA R, CRUICKSHANK JK, DILLON MJ, FERREIRA I, INVITTI C, KUZNETSOVA T, LAURENT S, MANCIA G, MORALES-OLIVAS F, RASCHER W, REDON J, SCHAEFER F, SEEMAN T, STERGIOU G, WÜHL E, ZANCHETTI A. Management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents: Recommendations of the European Society of hypertension. An Pediatr 2010;73:51-58.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G, ASMAR R, O’BRIEN E, on behalf of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. Requirements for professional office blood pressure monitors. J Hypertens 2012;30:537-542.
- O’BRIEN E, PARATI G, STERGIOU G, ASMAR R, BEILIN L, BILO G, CLEMENT D, DE LA SIERRA A, DE LEEUW P, DOLAN E, FAGARD R, GRAVES J, HEAD G, IMAI Y, KARIO K, LURBE E, MALLION JM, MANCIA G, MENGDEN T, MYERS M, OGEDEGBE G, OHKUBO T, OMBONI S, PALATINI P, REDON J, RUILOPE L, SHENNAN A, STAESSEN J, VANMONTFRANS G, VERDECCHIA P, WAEBER B, WANG J, ZANCHETTI A, ZHANG Y, on behalf of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. European Society of Hypertension Position Paper on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens 2013;31:1731-1768.
- O'BRIEN E, PARATI G, STERGIOU G. Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement: What Is the International Consensus? Hypertension 2013;62:988-94.
- STERGIOU GS, VAZEOU A, STEFANIDIS CJ, KAPOGIANNIS A, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, STABOULI S, DOUMA S, DOUMAS M, ZEBEKAKIS P, MAKRIS T, TSIOUFIS CP, MANOLIS A. Practical Recommendations for the Diagnosis, Investigation and Management of Hypertension in Children and Adolescents: Hellenic Society of Hypertension Consensus Document. Hellenic J Cardiol 2013;54:199-211.
- CAMPBELL NR, BERBARI AE, CLOUTIER L, GELFER M, KENERSON JG, KHALSA TK, LACKLAND DT, LEMOGOUM D, MANGAT BK, MOHAN S, MYERS MG, NIEBYLSKI ML, O'BRIEN E, STERGIOU GS, VEIGA EV, ZHANG XH. Policy Statement of the World Hypertension League on noninvasive blood pressure measurement devices and blood pressure measurement in the clinical or community setting. J Clin Hypertens 2014;16:320-2.
- PARATI G, STERGIOU G, O’BRIEN E, ASMAR R, BEILIN L, BILO G, CLEMENT D, DE LA SIERRA A, DE LEEUW P, DOLAN E, FAGARD R, GRAVES J, HEAD G, IMAI Y, KARIO K, LURBE E, MALLION JM, MANCIA G, MENGDEN T, MYERS M, OGEDEGBE G, OHKUBO T, OMBONI S, PALATINI P, REDON J, RUILOPE L, SHENNAN A, STAESSEN J, VANMONTFRANS G, VERDECCHIA P, WAEBER B, WANG J, ZANCHETTI A, ZHANG Y, on behalf of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. European Society of Hypertension Practice Guidelines for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, J Hypertens 2014;32:1359-66.
Αρθρα Σύνταξης
- PARATI G, ASMAR R, STERGIOU GS. Self blood pressure monitoring at home by wrist devices: a reliable approach? J Hypertens 2002; 20:573-8.
- PARATI G, STERGIOU GS. Self measured and ambulatory blood pressure in assessing the white coat phenomenon. J Hypertens 2003; 21:677-82.
- STERGIOU GS. Chronobiology and stroke. Hellenic J Cardiol 2004;45:242-5.
- PARATI G, STERGIOU GS. Self blood pressure measurement at home: how many times? J Hypertens 2004; 22:1075-9.
- STERGIOU GS. How to cope with unreliable office blood pressure measurement? Am J Hypertens 2005;18:1519-21.
- STERGIOU GS. Should home blood pressure measurement be used in clinical practice? Nat Clin Pract Cardiovasc Med 2006;3:14-5.
- STERGIOU GS. Ambulatory or home blood pressure monitoring for treatment adjustment? Am J Hypertens 2006;19:475-6.
- STERGIOU GS. Flaws in dose-finding of antihypertensive drugs. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2007;7:357-9.
- STERGIOU GS. Ethnicity as a predictor of blood pressure response to antihypertensive drugs. Am J Hypertens 2007;20:892.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G. The optimal schedule for self-monitoring of blood pressure by patients at home. J Hypertens 2007:25:1992-7.
- STERGIOU GS. Office blood pressure measurement with electronic devices: Has the time come? Am J Hypertens 2008;21:246.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G. Further insights into the 24-h blood pressure profile by home blood pressure monitoring: the issue of morning hypertension. J Hypertens 2009;27:696-9.
- STERGIOU GS. An example to follow. Blood Press Monit 2010;15:112.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G. How to best monitor blood pressure at home? Assessing numbers and individual patients. J Hypertens 2010;28:226-8.
- STERGIOU GS, SIONTIS KCM, IOANNIDIS JPA. Home blood pressure as a cardiovascular outcome predictor: it’s time to take this method seriously. Hypertension 2010;55:1301-3.
- O’BRIEN E, STERGIOU G. Who will bell the cat? A call for a new approach for validating blood pressure measuring devices. J Hypertens 2010, 2010;28:2378-81.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG. Valuable prognostic information provided by 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring beyond the blood pressure level. J Hum Hypertens 2011;25:519-20.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G. How to best assess blood pressure? The ongoing debate on the clinical value of blood pressure average and variability. Hypertension 2011;57:1041-2.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG. Home monitoring is the optimal method for assessing blood pressure variability. Hypertens Res 2011;34:1246-8
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG. Does home telemonitoring improve hypertension management? Nat Rev Nephrol 2011;7:493-5.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G. Home blood pressure monitoring may make office measurement obsolete. J Hypertens 2012;30:463-5.
- STERGIOU GS, PARATI G. Should the measurement of blood pressure in the office be redefined? J Hypertens 2012;30:1906-8.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, NTINERI A. Assessment of drug effects on blood pressure variability: which method and which index? J Hypertens 2014;32:1197-200.
- STERGIOU GS, ACHIMASTOS A. Renal denervation in treating resistant hypertension: Does it have a future? Hellenic J Cardiol 2014;55:439-41.
- STERGIOU GS, NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A. Changing relationship of office with ambulatory and home blood pressure with increasing age. Hypertension 2014;64:931-2.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, NTINERI A. Assessment of drug effects on blood pressure variability: which method and which index? J Hypertens 2014;32:1197-200.
- STERGIOU GS, NTINERI A. The optimal schedule for self-home blood pressure monitoring. J Hypertens 2015;33:693-7.
- MYERS MG, STERGIOU GS. Should oscillometric blood pressure monitors be used in patients with atrial fibrillation? J Clin Hypertens 2015, Epub ahead of print.
- STERGIOU GS, VAZEOU A, STABOULI S, NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A, BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, KAPOGIANNIS A, STEFANIDIS CJ. Screening for hypertension in children and adolescents: The controversy, the research questions and a plan for action. J Hypertens 2015;33:1359-1363.
- STERGIOU GS, OMBONI S, PARATI G. Home or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for the diagnosis of hypertension. J Hypertens 2015, in press.
Ανασκοπήσεις - Μετααναλύσεις
- STERGIOU GS, MCINNES GT. How useful is ambulatory blood pressure monitoring? Prescriber 1993;4:21-5.
- STERGIOU GS, MCINNES GT. Diuretics in medicine. Have they had their day? Prescriber 1993; 4:31-7.
- STERGIOU GS. Which is the correct term for blood pressure measurements taken at home? Blood Press Monit 2003;8:165-7.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II. Renin-angiotensin system blockade at the level of the angiotensin converting enzyme or the angiotensin type-1 receptor: similarities and differences. Curr Top Med Chem 2004;4:473-81.
- STERGIOU GS, SALGAMI EV. New European, American and International Guidelines for hypertension management: Agreement and disagreement. Exp Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2004;2:359-68.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, VAZEOU A, STEFANIDIS CJ. Office and out-of-office blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents. Blood Press Monit 2004;9:293-6.
- STERGIOU GS. Angiotensin receptor blockade in the challenging era of systolic hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 2004;18:837-47.
- STERGIOU GS, YIANNES NJ, RARRA VC. White coat hypertension and masked hypertension in children. Blood Press Monit 2005;10:297-300.
- STERGIOU GS. Combination pharmacotherapy in hypertension. Int J Urol Nephrol 2006;38:673-82.
- STERGIOU GS, KALOGEROPOULOS PG, BAIBAS NM. Prognostic value of home blood pressure measurement. Blood Press Monit 2007;12:391-2.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E. Does dosing antihypertensive drugs at night alter renal or CV outcome: Do we have the evidence? Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2008;17:464-9.
- PROTOGEROU A, STERGIOU G, VLACHOPOULOS C, BLACHER J, ACHIMASTOS A. The effect of antihypertensive drugs on central blood pressure beyond peripheral blood pressure. Part II: Evidence for specific class-effects of antihypertensive drugs on pressure amplification. Curr Pharm Des 2009;15:272-9.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, KAPOYIANNIS A, STEFANIDIS CJ, VAZEOU A. Home blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents: a systematic review. J Hypertens 2009; 27:1941-7.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E. Home blood pressure monitoring: Primary-care physicians’ perspectives. Eur Cardiovasc Disease 2009;4.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E. European Society of Hypertension International Protocol for the validation of blood pressure monitors: A critical review of its application and rationale for revision. Blood Press Monit 2010;15:39-48.
- JOHNSTON A, STAFYLAS P, STERGIOU GS. Effectiveness, safety and cost of drug substitution in hypertension. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2010;70:320-34
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E. European Society of Hypertension International Protocol for the validation of blood pressure monitors: a success story and its future. International Hospital and Equipment 2010;3:6-7.
- STERGIOU GS, BLIZIOTIS IA. Home blood pressure monitoring in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension: a systematic review. Am J Hypertens 2011;24:123-34
- KARPETTAS N, KOLLIAS A, VAZEAOU A, STERGIOU GS. Office, ambulatory and home blood pressure measurements for the assessment of hypertension in children and adolescents. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2010;8:1567-78.
- TSIOUFIS C, ANDRIKOU I, THOMOPOULOS C, SYRSELOUDIS D, STERGIOU G, STEFANADIS C. Increased nighttime blood pressure or nondipping profile for prediction of cardiovascular outcomes. J Hum Hypertens 2011;25:281-93.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, NASOTHIMIOU EG. Home blood pressure monitoring: application in clinical practice. Hipertensión (Spanish Society of Hypertension) 2011;28:149-5.
- BLIZIOTIS IA, DESTOUNIS A, STERGIOU GS. Home versus ambulatory and office blood pressure in predicting target organ damage in hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hypertens 2012;30:1289-99.
- VERBERK WJ, KOLLIAS A, STERGIOU GS. Automated oscillometric determination of the ankle-brachial index: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hypertens Res 2012;35:883-9.
- KOLLIAS A, STERGIOU GS, DOLAN E, O'BRIEN E. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Atherosclerosis 2012;224:291-301.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D. Automated blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hypertens 2012;30:2074-82.
- KARPETTAS N, NASOTHIMIOU E, KOLLIAS A, VAZEOU A, STERGIOU GS. Ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents: diagnosis of hypertension and assessment of target organ damage. Hypertens Res 2013;36:285-292.
- KOLLIAS A, STERGIOU GS. Automated measurement of office, home and ambulatory blood pressure in atrial fibrillation. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2014;41:9-15.
- STERGIOU GS, NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A, OHKUBO T, IMAI Y, PARATI G. Blood pressure variability assessed by home measurements: a systematic review. Hypertens Res 2014;37:565-72.
- MYERS M, STERGIOU GS. Reporting bias: Achilles' heel of home blood pressure monitoring. J Am Soc Hypertens 2014;8:350-7.
- KOLLIAS A, NTINERI A, STERGIOU GS. Is white coat hypertension a harbinger of increased risk? Hypertens Res 2014, 2014;37:791-5.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, ZENIODI M, KARPETTAS N, NTINERI A. Home blood pressure monitoring: Primary role in hypertension management. Curr Hypertens Rep 2014;16:462-8.
- KOLLIAS A, DAFNI M, POULIDAKIS E, NTINERI A, STERGIOU GS. Out-of-office blood pressure and target organ damage in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hypertens. 2014;32:2315-31;
Ερευνητικές Εργασίες
- STERGIOU GS, MAYOPOULOU-SYMVOULIDOU D, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Attenuation by spironolactone of the magnesiuric effect of acute furosemide administration in patients with liver cirrhosis. Min Electr Metab 1993; 19:86-90.
- STATHOPOULOS GP, STERGIOU GS, GOLEMATIS B, THALASSINOS N, FILIPAKIS M. Effect of Adriamycin, 5-Fluorouracil and Mitomycin-C in advanced colorectal cancer. Oncology 1995; 52:306-9.
- STATHOPOULOS GP, STERGIOU GS, PERREA-KOSTARELLIS D, DONTAS I, KARAMANOS B, KARAYIANAKOS G. Influence of 5-Fluorouracil on serum lipid levels. Acta Oncologica 1995; 34:253-56.
- STERGIOU GS, MALAKOS JS. VOUTSA AV, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Home monitoring of blood pressure: Limited value in general practice. J Hum Hypertens 1996; 10:219-23.
- STERGIOU GS, VOUTSA AV, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Home self-monitoring of blood pressure: Is fully automated oscillometric technique as good as conventional stethoscopic technique? Am J Hypertens 1997; 10:428-33.
- STERGIOU GS, MALAKOS JS, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Additive hypotensive effect of a dihydropyridine calcium antagonist to that produced by a thiazide diuretic: A double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial with ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1997; 29:412-6.
- STERGIOU GS, MALAKOS JS, ZOURBAKI AS, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Blood pressure during siesta: effect on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure profiles analysis. J Hum Hypertens 1997; 11:125-31.
- STERGIOU GS, ZOURBAKI AS, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. White coat effect detected using self-monitoring of blood pressure at home: comparison with ambulatory blood pressure. Am J Hypertens 1998; 11:820-7.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, ZOURBAKI AS, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Self monitoring of blood pressure at home: How many measurements are needed? J Hypertens 1998; 16:1745-51.
- STERGIOU GS, THOMOPOULOU GC, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Greece: The Didima Study. Am J Hypertens 1999; 12:959-65.
- THIJS L, STAESSEN JA, CELIS H, FAGARD R, DE CORT P, DE GAUDEMARIS R, ENSTROM I, IMAI Y, JULIUS S, MENARD J, MION D, PALATINI P, ROSENFELD J, SHAFIRO D, SPENCE D, STERGIOU GS. The international database of self-recorded blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. Blood Press Monit 1999; 4:77-86.
- STERGIOU GS, THOMOPOULOU GC, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Home Blood Pressure Normalcy: The Didima Study. Am J Hypertens 2000; 13:678-85.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, ROUSSIAS LG, KALKANA CB, ACHIMASTOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Additive hypotensive effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin receptor antagonism in essential hypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2000; 35:937-41.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Diagnosis of hypertension using home or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: Comparison with the conventional strategy based on repeated clinic blood pressure measurements. J Hypertens 2000; 18:1745-51.
- STERGIOU GS, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Does the antihypertensive response to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition predict the antihypertensive response to angiotensin receptor antagonism? Am J Hypertens 2001; 14:688-93.
- STERGIOU GS, BAIBAS NM, GANTZAROU AP, SKEVA II, KALKANA CB, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Reproducibility of clinic, ambulatory and home blood pressure: Implications on the design of trials for the assessment of the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. Am J Hypertens 2002; 15:101-4.
- STERGIOU GS, VEMMOS KN, PLIARCHOPOULOU KM, SYNETOS AG, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Parallel morning and evening surge in stroke onset, blood pressure and physical activity. Stroke 2002; 33:1480-6.
- STERGIOU GS, ZOURBAKI AS, EFSTATHIOU SP, STATHOPOULOS GP, KERAMOPOULOS AD, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Does estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen affect blood pressure, plasma renin activity and renal sodium excretion of postmenopausal women? Am J Hypertens 2002; 15:739-42.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ARGYRAKI CK, GANTZAROU AP, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Clinic, home and ambulatory pulse pressure: Comparison and reproducibility. J Hypertens 2002; 20:1987-93.
- ACHIMASTOS A, BENETOS A, STERGIOU G, ARGYRAKI K, KARMANIOLAS K, THOMAS F, MOUNTOKALAKIS T. Determinants of arterial stiffness in Greek and French hypertensive men. Blood Pressure 2002; 11:218-22.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Comparison of the smoothness index, the trough: peak ratio and the morning: evening ratio in assessing the features of the antihypertensive drug effect. J Hypertens 2003; 21:913-20.
- STERGIOU GS, KAROTSIS AK, SYMEONIDIS A, VASSILOPOULOU VA, FOR THE ABC-GP STUDY GROUP. Aggressive Blood pressure Control in General Practice (ABC-GP) study: Can the new targets be reached? J Hum Hypertens 2003;17:767-73.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ALAMARA CV, MASTORANTONAKIS SE, ROUSSIAS LG. Home or self blood pressure measurement? What is the correct term? J Hypertens 2003; 21:2259-64.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Blood pressure- and pulse pressure-lowering effects, trough:peak ratio and smoothness index of telmisartan compared to lisinopril. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2003; 42:491-6.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, SKEVA II, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Diagnostic value of strategy for the detection of white coat hypertension based on ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring. J Hum Hypertens 2004; 18:85-9.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ARGYRAKI CK, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. White coat effect in treated versus untreated hypertensives: a case-control study using ambulatory and home blood pressure monitoring. Am J Hypertens 2004; 17:124-8.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA C, KALKANA C, VAINDIRLIS I, STEFANIDIS C, DACOU-VOUTETAKIS C, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Out-of-office blood pressure in children and adolescents: Disparate findings by using home or ambulatory monitoring. Am J Hypertens 2004; 17:869-75.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, ROUSSIAS LG, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Intraindividual blood pressure responses to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin receptor blockade. J Clin Hypertens 2005; 7:18-23.
- STERGIOU GS, MAKRIS T, PAPAVASILIOU M, EFSTATHIOU S, MANOLIS A. Comparison of antihypertensive effects of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, a calcium antagonist and a diuretic in patients with hypertension not controlled by angiotensin receptor blocker monotherapy. J Hypertens 2005; 23:883-9.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA CV, SALGAMI EV, VAINDIRLIS IN, DACOU-VOUTETAKIS C, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Reproducibility of home and ambulatory blood pressure in children and adolescents. Blood Press Monit 2005; 10:143-7.
- STERGIOU GS, SALGAMI EV, TZAMOURANIS DG, ROUSSIAS LG. Masked hypertension assessed by ambulatory or self-home blood pressure monitoring: Is it the same phenomenon? Am J Hypertens 2005; 18:772-8.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, INGLIS GC, CONNELL JMC, MCINNES GT, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Association of renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms with antihypertensive responses to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin receptor blockade. J Hum Hypertens 2005; 19:971-4.
- STERGIOU GS, GIOVAS P, NEOFYTOU M, ADAMOPOULOS D. Validation of the Microlife BPA100 Plus device for self-home blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Press Monit 2006; 11:157-60.
- KAROTSISA, SYMEONIDIS A, MASTORANTONAKIS S, STERGIOU G. Additional antihypertensive effect of drugs in hypertensive subjects uncontrolled on diltiazem monotherapy: a randomized controlled trial using office and home blood pressure monitoring. Clin Exp Hypertens 2006;28:655-62.
- STERGIOU GS, YIANNES NG, RARRA VC. The Arsakeion school study: Validation of the Omron 705 IT oscillometric device for home blood pressure measurement in children and adolescents. Blood Press Monit 2006;11:229-34.
- STERGIOU GS, GIOVAS P, NEOFYTOU M, ADAMOPOULOS D. Validation of the Microlife WatchBP Home Monitor for self-home blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Press Monit 2007;12:185-8.
- STERGIOU GS, YIANNES N, RARRA V, PANAGIOTAKOS D. Home blood pressure normalcy in children and adolescents: The Arsakeion School Study. J Hypertens 2007;25:1375-9.
- STERGIOU GS, ARGYRAKI A, MOYSSAKIS I, ACHIMASTOS A, KARAMANOS V. ROUSSIAS L. Home blood pressure is as reliable as ambulatory blood pressure in predicting target organ damage in hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2007;20:616-21.
- STERGIOU GS, GIOVAS P, JAENECKE B, CHANG A, YEN CY, TAN T. A tool for reliable self-home blood pressure monitoring designed according to the European Society of Hypertension recommendations: the Microlife WatchBP Home monitor. Blood Press Monit 2007;12:127-31.
- ACHIMASTOS A, EFSTATHIOU S, CHRISTOFORATOS T, PANAYIOTOU T, STERGIOU G, MOUNTOKALAKIS T. Arterial stiffness: determinants and relationship with the metabolic syndrome. Angiology 2007;58:11-20.
- STERGIOU GS, KALOGEROPOULOS P, SARANTOS K, BAIBAS N. Cardiovascular risk prediction based on home versus office blood pressure measurement: The Didima Study. J Hypertens 2007;25:1590-6.
- STERGIOU GS, GIOVAS PP, GKINOS CP, TZAMOURANIS DG. Validation of the A&D UM-101 professional device for office blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Press Monit 2008;13:37-42.
- STERGIOU GS, RARRA V, YIANNES G. Changing relationship between home and office blood pressure with increasing age in children: The Arsakeion school study. Am J Hypertens 2007;21;41-6.
- STERGIOU GS, LIN CW, LIN CM, CHANG SL, PROTOGEROU A, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, TAN TM. An automated device that complies with current guidelines for office blood pressure measurement: Design and pilot application study of the Microlife WatchBP Office device. Blood Press Monit 2008;13:231-5.
- STERGIOU GS, MASTORANTONAKIS S, ROUSSIAS L. The morning blood pressure surge: reliability of different definitions. Hypertens Res 2008;31:1589-94).
- STERGIOU GS, CHRISTODOULAKIS G, NASOTHIMIOU E, GIOVAS P, KALOGEROPOULOS P. Can validated wrist devices with position sensors replace arm devices for self-home blood pressure monitoring? A randomized crossover trial using ambulatory monitoring as reference. Am J Hypertens 2008;21:753-8.
- STERGIOU GS, CHRISTODOULAKIS G, GIOVAS P, LOURIDA P, ALAMARA C, ROUSSIAS LG. Home blood pressure monitoring in children: how many measurements are needed? Am J Hypertens 2008;21:633-8.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU E, GIOVAS P, KAPOYIANNIS A, VAZEOU A. Diagnosis of hypertension in children and adolescents based on home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. J Hypertens 2008;26:1556-62.
- STERGIOU GS, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, PROTOGEROU A. Can an electronic device with a single cuff be accurate in a wide range of arm size? Validation of the Visomat Comfort 20/40 device for home blood pressure monitoring. J Hum Hypertens 2008;22:796-800.
- PROTOGEROU A, STERGIOU G, LOURIDA G, ACHIMASTOS A. Arterial stiffness and orthostatic blood pressure changes in untreated and treated hypertensives. J Am Soc Hypertens 2008;2:372-7.
- STERGIOU GS, MASTORANTONAKIS S, ROUSSIAS L. Intraindividual reproducibility of blood pressure surge upon rising after nighttime sleep and siesta. Hypertens Res 2008;31:1859-64.
- PROTOGEROU A, BLACHER J, STERGIOU G, ACHIMASTOS A, SAFAR M. Blood pressure response under chronic antihypertensive drug therapy: the role of aortic stiffness in the REASON study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:445-51.
- ADAMOPOULOS A, STERGIOU G, SAKIZLIS G, TINIAKOS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, SIOUTIS D, ACHIMASTOS A. Diagnostic value of rapid urease test and urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori detection in patients with Billroth II gastrectomy: A prospective controlled trial. Dig Liver Dis 2009;41:4-8.
- STERGIOU GS, TZAMOURANIS D, PROTOGEROU A, NASOTHIMIOU E, KAPRALOS C. Validation of the Microlife Watch BP Office professional device for office blood pressure measurement according to the International Protocol. Blood Press Monit 2008;13:299-303.
- STERGIOU GS, RARRA C, YIANNES N. Masked and white coat hypertension in children and adolescents detected by home blood pressure monitoring: The Arsakeion School study. Am J Hypertens 2009;22:520-4.
- STERGIOU G, NASOTHIMIOU E, GIOVAS P, RARRA V. Long-term reproducibility of home versus office blood pressure in children and adolescents: the Arsakeion school study. Hypertens Res 2009;32:311-5.
- KARATZI K, PROTOGEROU A, RARRA V, STERGIOU G. Home and office blood pressure in children and adolescents: the role of obesity. The Arsakeion School Study. J Hum Hypertens 2009;23:512-520.
- KOLLIAS A, ANTONODIMITRAKIS P, GRAMMATIKOS E, CHATZIANTONAKIS N, GRAMMATIKOS E, STERGIOU G. Trends in hypertension prevalence in Greek adolescents. J Hum Hypertens 2009;23:385-90.
- STERGIOU G, KARPETTAS N, PROTOGEROU A, NASOTHIMIOU E, KYRIAKIDIS M. Diagnostic accuracy of a home blood pressure monitor to detect atrial fibrillation. J Hum Hypertens 2009; 23:654-58.
- STERGIOU GS, LOURIDA P, TZAMOURANIS D, BAIBAS NM. Unreliable oscillometric blood pressure measurement: prevalence, repeatability and characteristics of the phenomenon. J Hum Hypertens 2009; 23:794-800.
- STERGIOU GS, ALAMARA C, DRAKATOS A, STEFANIDIS CJ, VAZEOU A. Prediction of albuminuria by different blood pressure measurement methods in type 1 diabetes. Hypertens Res 2009; 32:680-4.
- ADAMOPOULOS A, SAKIZLIS G, NASOTHIMIOU EG, ANASTASOPOULOU I, ANASTASAKOU E, KOTSI P, KARAFOULIDOU A. STERGIOU GS. Do proton pumps inhibitors attenuate the effect of aspirin on platelet aggregation? A randomized cross over study. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2009;54:163-8.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, KALOGEROPOULOS PG, PANTAZIS N, BAIBAS NM. The optimal home blood pressure monitoring schedule based on the Didima outcome study. J Hum Hypertens 2010;24:158-64.
- STERGIOU GS, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU EG, KARPETTAS N, PROTOGEROU A. Are there really differences between home and daytime ambulatory blood pressure? Comparison using a novel dual-mode ambulatory and home monitor. J Hum Hypertens 2010;24:207-12.
- KONSTANTOPOULOU AS, KONSTANTOPOULOU PS, PAPARGYRIOU I, LIATIS S, STERGIOU GS, PAPADOGIANNIS DE. Masked, white coat and sustained hypertension: comparison of target organ damage and psychometric parameters. J Hum Hypertens 2010;24:151-7.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, RARRA VC, ROUSSIAS G. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index: reproducibility of different definitions. Am J Hypertens 2010;23:129-34.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, ROUSSIAS LG. Morning hypertension assessed by home or ambulatory monitoring: different aspects of the same phenomenon? J Hypertens 2010; 2010;28:1846-53.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, RARRA VG, NASOTHIMIOU EG, ROUSSIAS G. Arterial stiffness index based on home (HASI) versus ambulatory (AASI) blood pressure measurements. Hypertens Res 2010;33:731-6.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, GIOVAS PP, PAPAGIANNIS J, ROUSSIAS LG. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index, pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity in children and adolescents. Hypertens Res 2010;33:1272-7.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, PANAGIOTAKOS DB, VAZEOU A. Comparison of office, ambulatory and home blood pressure in children and adolescents on the basis of normalcy tables. J Hum Hypertens 2011;25:218-23.
- PIKILIDOU MI, TSIROU E, STERGIOU GS, KONSTAS AG, SARAFIDIS PA, PTINOPOULOU A, HADJISTAVRI LS, GEORGIANOS P, MIKROPOULOS DG, LASARIDIS AN. Effect of hospitalization on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Hypertens Res 2010;33:995-9.
- TZAMOURANIS DG, ALEXOPOULOU A, DOURAKIS SP, STERGIOU GS. Relationship of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate with markers of hepatic function in cirrhotic patients. BMC Gastroenterol 2010;10:143.
- STERGIOU GS, LOURIDA P, TZAMOURANIS D. Replacing the mercury manometer with an oscillometric device in a hypertension clinic: implications for clinical decision making. J Hum Hypertens 2011;25:692-8.
- KOLLIAS A, PANTSIOTOU K, KARPETTAS N, ROUSSIAS L, STERGIOU GS. Tracking of blood pressure from childhood to adolescence in a Greek cohort. Eur J Public Health 2012;22:389-93.
- FINUCANE MM, STEVENS GA, COWAN MJ, DANAEI G, LIN JK, PACIOREK CJ, SINGH GM, GUTIERREZ HR, LU Y, BAHALIM AN, FARZADFAR F, RILEY LM, EZZATI M; on behalf of the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Body Mass Index). National, regional, and global trends in body-mass index since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 960 country-years and 9.1 million participants. Lancet 2011;377:557-67.
- DANAEI G, FINUCANE MM, LIN JK, SINGH GM, PACIOREK CJ, COWAN MJ, FARZADFAR F, STEVENS GA, LIM SS, RILEY LM, EZZATI M; on behalf of the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Blood Pressure). National, regional, and global trends in systolic blood pressure since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 786 country-years and 5.4 million participants. Lancet 2011;377:568-77.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, ATKINS N, O'BRIEN E. Impact of applying the more stringent validation criteria of the revised European Society of Hypertension International Protocol 2010 on earlier validation studies. Blood Press Monit 2011;16:67-73.
- STERGIOU GS, GIOVAS PP, KOLLIAS A, RARRA VC, PAPAGIANNIS J, GEORGAKOPOULOS D, VAZEOU A. Relationship of home blood pressure with target-organ damage in children and adolescents. Hypertens Res 2011;34:640-4.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D. A perfect replacement for the mercury sphygmomanometer: the case of the hybrid blood pressure monitor. J Hum Hypertens. 2012; 26:220-7
- KOLLIAS A, XILOMENOS A, PROTOGEROU A, DIMAKAKOS E, STERGIOU GS. Automated determination of the ankle-brachial index using an oscillometric blood pressure monitor: validation vs. Doppler measurement and cardiovascular risk factor profile. Hypertens Res 2011;34:825-30.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, TZAMOURANIS D, ROUSSIAS LG, STERGIOU GS. Home versus ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in the diagnosis of clinic resistant and true resistant hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 2012;26:696-700.
- KOLLIAS A, SKLIROS E, STERGIOU GS, LEOTSAKOS N, SARIDI M, GARIFALLOS D. Obesity and associated cardiovascular risk factors among schoolchildren in Greece: a cross-sectional study and review of the literature. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2011;24:929-38.
- NIIRANEN TJ, THIJS L, ASAYAMA K, JOHANSSON JK, OHKUBO T, KIKUYA M, BOGGIA J, HOZAWA A, SANDOYA E, STERGIOU GS, TSUJI I, JULA AM, IMAI Y, STAESSEN JA. The International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO): moving from baseline characteristics to research perspectives. Hypertens Res 2012;35:1072-9.
- PROTOGEROU AD, ARGYRIS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, VRACHATIS D, PAPAIOANNOU TG, TZAMOURANIS D, BLACHER J, SAFAR ME, SFIKAKIS P, STERGIOU GS. Feasibility and Reproducibility of Noninvasive 24-h ambulatory aortic blood pressure monitoring with a brachial cuff-based oscillometric device. Am J Hypertens 2012;25:876-82.
- ISHIKAWA J, NASOTHIMIOU EG, KARPETTAS N, MCDONIEL S, FELTHEIMER SD, STERGIOU GS, PICKERING TG, SCHWARTZ JE. Automatic office blood pressure measured without doctors or nurses present. Blood Press Monit 2012;17:96-102.
- TZAMOURANIS D, ALEXOPOULOU A, DOURAKIS SP, STERGIOU GS. Sodium handling is associated with liver function impairment and renin-aldosterone axis activity in patients with preascitic cirrhosis without hyponatremia. Ann Gastroenterol 2012;25:254-257.
- STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, DESTOUNIS A, POULIDAKIS E, EVAGELOU I, TZAMOURANIS D. Assessment of the diurnal blood pressure profile and detection of non-dippers based on home or ambulatory monitoring. Am J Hypertens. 2012;25:974-8.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, TZAMOURANIS D, RARRA V, ROUSSIAS LG, STERGIOU GS. Diagnostic accuracy of home vs. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in untreated and treated hypertension. Hypertens Res 2012;35:750-5.
- STEVENS GA, SINGH GM, LU Y, DANAEI G, LIN JK, FINUCANE MM, BAHALIM AN, MCINTIRE RK, GUTIERREZ HR, COWAN M, PACIOREK CJ, FARZADFAR F, RILEY L, EZZATI M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Body Mass Index). National, regional, and global trends in adult overweight and obesity prevalences. Popul Health Metr 2012;10:22.
- ATKINS N, STERGIOU GS, O'BRIEN E. Statistical justification of the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices. Blood Press Monit 2015, in press.
- NIIRANEN T, ASAYAMA K, THIJS L, JOHANSSON J, OHKUBO T, KIKUYA M, BOGGIA J, HOZAWA A, SANDOYA E, STERGIOU G, TSUJI I, JULA A, IMAI Y, STAESSEN J. Outcome-driven thresholds for home blood pressure measurement: the International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome. Hypertension 2013;61:27-34.
- STERGIOU GS, TRIANTAFYLLIDOU E, CHOLIDOU K, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, NASOTHIMIOU EG, MARKOZANNES E, ALCHANATIS M. Asleep home blood pressure monitoring in obstructive sleep apnea: a pilot study. Blood Press Monit 2013;18:21-6.
- KOLLIAS A, PSILOPATIS I, KARAGIAOURI E, GLARAKI M, GRAMMATIKOS E, GRAMMATIKOS EE, GAROUFI A, STERGIOU GS. Adiposity, blood pressure, and carotid intima-media thickness in greek adolescents. Obesity 2013;21:1013-7.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, KARPETTAS N, DAFNI MG, STERGIOU GS. Patients’ preference for ambulatory versus home blood pressure monitoring. J Hum Hypertens 2014;28:224-9.
- TSAKIRI C, STERGIOU GS, BOIVIN JM. Implementation of home blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice. Clin Exp Hypertens 2013;35:558-62
- DANAEI G, SINGH GM, PACIOREK CJ, LIN JK, COWAN MJ, FINUCANE MM, FARZADFAR F, STEVENS GA, RILEY LM, LU Y, RAO M, EZZATI M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group. The global cardiovascular risk transition: associations of four metabolic risk factors with national income, urbanization, and Western diet in 1980 and 2008. Circulation 2013;127:1493-502.
- VIIGIMAA M, TALVIK A, WOJCIECHOWSKA W, KAWECKA-JASZCZ K, TOFT I, STERGIOU GS, NASOTHIMIOU EG, KOTSIS V, AGABITI ROSEI E, SALVETTI M, DOROBANTU M, MARTELL-CLAROS N, ABAD-CARDIEL M, HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ R, DOMÉNECH M, COCA A. Identification of the hemodynamic modulators and hemodynamic status in uncontrolled hypertensive patients. Blood Press 2013;22:362-70.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D, NASOTHIMIOU E, KOLLIAS A, ROUSSIAS L, MOYSSAKIS I. Home blood pressure monitoring alone versus combined clinic and ambulatory measurements in following treatment induced changes in blood pressure and organ damage. Am J Hypertens 2014;27:184-92.
- STERGIOU GS, EFSTATHIOU SP, SKEVA II, BAIBAS NM, KALKANA CB, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Assessment of drug effects on blood pressure and pulse pressure using measurements in the clinic, at home and with ambulatory monitoring. J Hum Hypertens 2002; 16:729-35.
- KARPETTAS N, DESTOUNIS A, KOLLIAS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, MOYSSAKIS I, STERGIOU GS. Prediction of treatment induced changes in target organ damage by changes in clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure. Hypertens Res 2014;37:543-7.
- PAPAIOANNOU TG, ARGYRIS A, PROTOGEROU AD, VRACHATIS D, NASOTHIMIOU EG, SFIKAKIS PP, STERGIOU GS, STEFANADIS CI. Non-invasive 24hour ambulatory monitoring of aortic wave reflection and arterial stiffness by a novel oscillometric device: The first feasibility and reproducibility study. Int J Cardiol 2013;169:57-61.
- VRACHATIS D, PAPAIOANNOU TG, KONSTANTOPOULOU A, NASOTHIMIOU EG, MILLASSEAU S, BLACHER J, SAFAR ME, SFIKAKIS PP, STERGIOU GS, PROTOGEROU AD. Effect of supine versus sitting position on noninvasive assessment of aortic pressure waveform: a randomized cross-over study. J Hum Hypertens 2014;28:236-41.
- ASAYAMA K, THIJS L, BRGULJAN H, NIIRANEN T, HOZAWA A, BOGGIA J, APARICIO L, HARA A, JOHANSSON J, OHKUBO T, TZOURIO C, STERGIOU GS, SANDOYA E, TSUJI I, JULA AM, IMAI Y, STAESSEN JA. Risk stratification by self-measured home blood pressure across categories of the conventional blood pressure: a participant-level meta-analysis. PLoS Med 2014;11:e1001591.
- STERGIOU GS, ASAYAMA K, THIJS L, KOLLIAS A, NIIRANEN T, HOZAWA A, BOGGIA J, JOHANSSON JK, OHKUBO T, TSUJI I, JULA A, IMAI Y, STAESSEN JA, for the IDHOCO investigators. Prognosis of white coat and masked hypertension: The international database of home blood pressure in relation to cardiovascular outcome (IDHOCO). Hypertension 2014;63:675-82.
- APARICIO LS, THIJS L, ASAYAMA K, BAROCHINER J, BOGGIA J, GU YM, CUFFARO PE, LIU YP, NIIRANEN TJ, OHKUBO T, JOHANSSON JK, KIKUYA M, HOZAWA A, TSUJI I, IMAI Y, SANDOYA E, STERGIOU GS, WAISMAN GD, STAESSEN JA. Reference frame for home pulse pressure based on cardiovascular risk in 6470 subjects from 5 populations. Hypertens Res 2014; 37: 672-8.
- DANAEI G, LU Y, SINGH GM, CARNAHAN E, STEVENS GA, COWAN MJ, FARZADFAR F, LIN JK, RAO M, KHANG YH, RILEY LM, MOZAFFARIAN D, LIM SS, EZZATI M, and the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases Collaboration. Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: a comparative risk assessment. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2014;2:634-47.
- BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, KARPETTAS N, ATHANASAKIS K, KOLLIAS A, PROTOGEROU AD, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Cost estimation of hypertension management based on home blood pressure monitoring alone or combined office and ambulatory blood pressure measurements. J Am Soc Hypertens 2014;8:732-8.
- NOMURA K, ASAYAMA K, THIJS L, NIIRANEN TJ, LUJAMBIO I, BOGGIA J, HOZAWA A, OHKUBO T, HARA A, JOHANSSON JK, SANDOYA E, KOLLIAS A, STERGIOU GS, TSUJI I, JULA AM, IMAI Y, STAESSEN JA, for the International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) investigators thresholds for conventional and home blood pressure by sex and age in 5018 participants from 5 populations. Hypertension 2014;64:695-701.
- ATHANASAKIS K, KYRIOPOULOS I., BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, STERGIOU GS, KYRIOPOULOS J. Quantifying the economic benefits of prevention in a healthcare setting with severe financial constraints: the case of hypertension control. Clin Exper Hypertens 2014, Epub ahead of print.
- STERGIOU GS, NTINERI A, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, NASOTHIMIOU E, ROUSSIAS LG. Changing relationship among clinic, home and ambulatory blood pressure with increasing age. J Am Soc Hypertens 2015 in press.
- KOLLIAS A, RARRA V, KARPETTAS N, ROUSSIAS L, O'BRIEN E, STERGIOU GS. Treatment-induced changes in ambulatory arterial stiffness index: one-year prospective study and meta-analysis of evidence. Hypertens Res 2015, Epub ahead of print.
- LEE J, CHEE YN, KIM I, KARPETTAS N, KOLLIAS A, ATKINS N, STERGIOU GS, O’BRIEN E. High fidelity digital recording and playback sphygmomanometry system: Device description and proof of concept. Blood Press Monit 2015, in press.
- STERGIOU GS, MYRSILIDI A, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, ROUSSIAS LG, KALOGEROPOULOS P. Seasonal variation in meteorological parameters and office, ambulatory and home blood pressure: Predicting factors and clinical implications. Hypertens Res 2015, in press.
- ANDREADIS E, AGALIOTIS G, KOLLIAS A, KOLYVAS G, ACHIMASTOS A, STERGIOU GS. Nighttime home versus ambulatory blood pressure in predicting target organ damage. J Hypertens 2015, in press.
- APARICIO LS, THIJS L, BOGGIA J, JACOBS L, BAROCHINER J, ODILI AN, ALFIE J, ASAYAMA K, CUFFARO PE., NOMURA K, OHKUBO T, TSUJI I, STERGIOU GS, KIKUYA M, IMAI Y, WAISMAN GD, STAESSEN JA, on behalf of the International Database on Home blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) Investigators. Defining thresholds for home blood pressure monitoring in octogenarians. Hypertension 2015, in press.
Επιστολές προς τον Εκδότη
- STERGIOU GS, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Detection of nondippers hypertensives in clinical practice: does it really matter? Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999;14:2969-70.
- STERGIOU GS, VEMMOS KN, MOUNTOKALAKIS TD. Parallel morning and evening surge in stroke onset, blood pressure and physical activity. Stroke 2002;33:2346-7.
- STERGIOU GS, VAZEOU A, STEFANIDIS C. American Heart Association’s statement that “in children ambulatory blood pressure is superior to home” not proven. Hypertension 2008;52:e145.
- STERGIOU GS, KARPETTAS N, ATKINS N, O’BRIEN E. The European Society of Hypertension International Protocol for the validation of blood pressure measuring devices in adults. Blood Press Monit 2012;17:45-7.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, DESTOUNIS A, TZAMOURANIS D. Automated blood pressure measurement in atrial fibrillation: selection of criteria for validation and meta-analysis. J Hypertens 2013;31:215-6.
- NASOTHIMIOU EG, DAFNI M, ROUSSIAS LG, STERGIOU GS. White coat and masked hypertension phenomena defined by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: influence of nocturnal blood pressure. Hypertens Res 2013;36:473-5.
- STERGIOU GS, KOLLIAS A, KARPETTAS N. Does atrial fibrillation affect the automated oscillometric blood pressure measurement? Hypertension 2013;62:e37.
- O’BRIEN E, PARATI P, STERGIOU GS. Nocturnal blood pressure dipping: systolic, diastolic, or both? J Hypertens 2014;32:700-1.
- CHIOLERO A, BOVET P, STERGIOU GS. Automated oscillometric blood pressure measurement in children. J Clin Hypertens 2014;16:468.
- STERGIOU GS, BOUBOUCHAIROPOULOU N, KOLLIAS A. What does blood pressure mean in the PARTAGE Study? The importance of measurement methodology. JAMA Intern Med 2015, in press.